“CTRI Bulletin” is an official journal of research and practice of the Central TB Research Institute.

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The Journal “CTRI Bulletin”

About “CTRI Bulletin”

The concept of creating the journal results from the rapid development of medical science, including phthisiology. Truly revolutionary discoveries and, in particular, decoding in late 1998 Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome (Cole et.al 1998), the introduction of molecular biology techniques to clinical practice gave impetus to the improvement of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, became the basis for elimination of this dreadful disease. And a lot needs to be done in this direction. The detection and the rising incidence rate of tuberculosis with multiple and extensive drug resistance of MTB, the rise of associated forms of infection including those with HIV infection, the treatment of which is extremely complicated and costly, require scientific community to address new global challenges. “CTRI Bulletin” is a specialized journal focused on fundamental experimental studies in the field of tuberculosis, primarily on bacteriological, immunological and pathogenetic aspects of the disease, as well as on the transmission of the results of basic research into clinical practice. The periodical will present the original fundamental and applied research data, as well as thematic reviews of the Russian and foreign scientists in the field of phthisiology, pulmonology and related sciences.
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“CTRI Bulletin” issues

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14 issues of our journal are already available
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